
What are TK reminders?

The TK Reminder feature in Ghost allows you to insert a reminder, to come back to a specific section within your content to continue editing.


Ghost supports cross-promotion for publishers via the Recommendation beta feature


Ghost has a flexible tagging system, which can be used


Posts can be used to create articles, tutorials, reviews, personal


Ghost includes support for implementing URL redirects through the use

Can I use Ghost for Ecommerce?

You can sell products on your Ghost site, however, Ghost is primarily a platform to create, publish and email content to your audience.


The native comments feature in Ghost allows you to invite


Unlike posts, pages in Ghost can be used to serve

Markdown guide

The Ghost editor automatically parses any Markdown typed in directly,

Custom sending domains

Customize the from-address of your emails by configuring a custom sending domain for newsletters sent from your publication.

Free trials

Offering free trials to your members is a great way


Ghost is a flexible platform that provides multiple methods of

Editor cards

Jump to a card * Images * Markdown * HTML * Gallery * Divider * Bookmark

History log

The history log allows you to view staff user events

Installing a theme

This is where the magic happens! Upload a theme and instantly give your site a facelift.