If you are no longer offering paid memberships on your site, or you’re closing down your publication, you will need to cancel your paid member’s subscriptions, otherwise they will continue to be charged even after you’ve shut your site down.
To cancel a paid member subscription on their behalf immediately, you will need to navigate to the member’s Stripe Customer profile (this is accessible within their member profile in Ghost Admin).
In the Subscriptions section of the member’s Stripe Customer profile, click the “…” option next to their current subscription, and click Cancel subscription.
Next, select the option to Cancel immediately. This will ensure that the paid member’s active subscription is cancelled immediately, and no further charges to their card will be made going forward—access to paid content on your site will immediately stop as well.

You can also cancel a member’s subscription directly within their member profile. Cancelling a member’s subscription from within Ghost Admin will cancel their paid access, at the end of their billing period.