The dashboard in Ghost admin is a place to get member, revenue, engagement, and email stats at a glance, so you can see how your content and business are performing.

To help you better understand the stats provided on your dashboard, here’s a breakdown of everything you need to know.
Member totals
At the top of the dashboard, you can see a breakdown of the types of members you have, split into three groups.
Here’s how each member segment is calculated:
- Total members includes all members of your site, free and paid.
- Paid Members includes all members on any paid or complimentary subscription. Canceled accounts are included until the end of the period paid for.
- Free members includes all members who do not have an active paid subscription, including members who have previously canceled and their billing period has ended.
Each of these metrics shows an increase or decrease compared to the previous period set in the top right corner, to help you see how each segment of your members list is growing.

You can also see how these data trend over time, and adjust the graph to show total, paid, or free members.

Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) is a forward-looking metric that is calculated using the normalized amount of monthly recurring payments from all active subscriptions.
For example: An annual subscription for $120 counts as +$10 MRR ($120 / 12 months). A monthly subscription for $19 counts as +$19 MRR.
- Cancellations are removed from MRR calculations at the time a member cancels their subscription, thereby canceling the recurring payment.
- Subscriptions created with an offer with a duration of “forever” have the discount removed for MRR calculations. Temporary discounts are not considered when calculating MRR.

MRR is displayed as a figure, alongside a graph to show how MRR is trending over time. The percentage figure shows how your MRR has increased or decreased compared to the previous time period set on your dashboard.
Paid subscribers
New and canceled paid subscriptions for the currently selected time period are shown as a bar chart.
Paid mix
This shows the current ratio of paid subscriptions based on either cadence (annual or monthly) or tiers.
The engagement section of the dashboard measures the percentage of members that have interacted with your content, whether that is opening an email or browsing content on your site, in the past 7 and 30 days.

If you’re using paid memberships in Ghost, you can break engagement down further by total, free, and paid members.
The top sources section will show you exactly what is driving audience growth from around the web. These stats are filterable by 7, 30, and 90 days, and show top sources for both free and paid signups.

Recent posts and member activity
The recent posts and member activity section shows you the latest stats including open rates for the most recent newsletters, and recent member activity.

It also looks great in dark mode 🌶