If you need to step away from publishing paid content on your site for a period of time, and would like to pause payment collection of your member subscriptions, this can be managed from within the Stripe account connected to your Ghost site.
When pausing payment collection for a member, a member’s status would still be active, and they would still have access to paid content on your site, though a payment for renewals would not be collected.
To pause payment collection on an individual member subscription, from the member’s profile click the “…” in the Subscriptions area, and select View Stripe customer:

This will take you directly to their Stripe Customer Profile, where their subscription can be managed.
Next, in the Subscriptions section of the member’s Stripe Customer profile, click the “…” option next to their current subscription, and select Pause payment collection. You can then choose to set a Pause duration for a custom date.

Additionally, you will need to set the Invoice behaviour to Mark invoices uncollectible.
To pause all subscriptions associated with your Stripe account, you will need to go to your Billing settings in Stripe, and click the Set up button underneath the Pause payment collection for all existing subscriptions area. This can be set to indefinitely, OR, set to pause until a custom date. If you’re planning to resume subscriptions at a future date, make sure to Mark invoices uncollectible.