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297 posts More resources โ†’
๐Ÿ” How to access your creativity on demand

People tend to look at creativity in one of two ways: either as a spark of inspiration that can't be timed, tamed, or planned; or as a result that can be cultivated, just like growing a plant from its seed. Everyone with a successful creator business is in

5 min read
๐ŸŽฒ Is success really just a numbers game?

Yes, it is. But most importantly, it's about what you do with the numbers you're given. Are you learning what works? Experimenting with your process? Going all-in on the metrics you control? The numbers aren't there to intimidate you but to guide you. This

4 min read
๐ŸŽ The gift of doubt

Uncertainty precedes discovery. Not knowing how to complete a task or what the outcome will be is scary, which is why most people freeze. They stop taking action until they know more. Until they can be sure. But life and business don't work like that. If you want

4 min read
๐Ÿ‹๏ธโ€โ™‚๏ธ It's time to "get your reps in"

What if every time you saw a successful creator, instead of thinking, "they're better than me," you said, "they've simply done this more than I have." Suddenly, success becomes a game of numbers and stops being a search for some mysterious secret

4 min read
โœ… It's not what you know, it's what you do

Right now, all around the world, creative people are dreaming up brilliant ideas. Some of these ideas may even be better than the one you're working on right now. But ultimately, they'll go nowhere. Because most people don't take action. Most people wait and

4 min read
๐Ÿ™‡โ€โ™‚๏ธ The uncomfortable decision every creator must make

Despite your best intentions, you will never be able to make everyone happy. You will have to draw lines in the sand around the projects you pursue, the people you work with, and the topics you address. You will have to say no to good things to make room for

5 min read
๐Ÿซฃ The most dangerous word in business

Is should. I should be there by now. This should be working. We should have known better. It's the word comparison uses to disguise itself as logic. But don't fall for its tactics. There is no one right answer, no sure path forward. No guarantees โ€” only

4 min read
๐Ÿƒโ€โ™€๏ธ How to speed up your success as a creator

There's a quote often used in productivity circles that says, "Slow is smooth, smooth is fast." The meaning is simple: when you go slow, you tend to make fewer mistakes. You listen better, become more observant, and save yourself the trouble of needing to start over.

4 min read
๐Ÿ™‚ If you want to grow, let people in

Transparency is a game changer for those willing to apply it. So many organizations, big and small, build invisible walls between themselves and their customers. But as an independent creator, you can change this. You can hold 1-on-1 conversations, tell real stories, and share your stumbles along the way. Ultimately,

4 min read
๐Ÿ”ญ The way discovery really works for creators

It tends to happen slowly, then all at once. Most successful creatives spend years gradually gaining momentum โ€” building their fanbase, skillset, and content library. Then, something changes. A trend shifts. An influencer takes notice. An article goes viral. And all of a sudden, growth spikes. But those big wins rely

4 min read
โšก๏ธ Where to focus your creator energy next

It's easy to feel overwhelmed when building your own thing. The trick is to point all your attention towards the few things you can control: your output, attitude, and choices. No matter what twist gets thrown your way โ€” treat it like it's there to help you,

3 min read
๐ŸŒ Why there's no shortcut to great work

Actress Sally Field was once asked how to have a long, creative career. Field answered that most people get frustrated by all of the non-acting work (administrative tasks, casting calls, relationship-building, etc.), but early on, they realized this was the key: "The struggle is the work." Building a

4 min read
โš–๏ธ How to keep your creative projects legal

The truth is, no one you look up to had it all figured out when they began (especially when it came to the legal side of things). Thankfully, there are very smart people willing to share their knowledge, tools, and templates to help. ๐Ÿ’ฌ In this week's issue: * Above

4 min read
๐Ÿฅ‡ Who should be your first "true fan"?

You. We can discuss the importance of building an audience until the cows come home. But no one will be excited about your creations unless you are first. Here's how to make that happen. ๐Ÿ’ฌ In this week's issue: * Transformation. What that "stuck" feeling might

4 min read
๐ŸŒฑ How to tell if you're on the right track as a creator

The right path is whatever one keeps you creating. It's a simple truth, but one that can lead to incredible results when applied in the real world. If you've felt unsure about your strategy, here are a few resources to help you reframe your journey. ๐Ÿ’ฌ In

4 min read

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