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Importing content

The only strictly required field when importing posts/pages is the title. Ghost will automatically generate slugs and set every other field to the default or empty.

To import a valid post with content, published at a specific time, the bare minimum fields to provide are title, mobiledoc, status and published:

    "title": "my blog post title",
    "mobiledoc": "{\"version\":\"0.3.1\",\"atoms\":[],\"cards\":[],\"markups\":[],\"sections\":[[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"You're live, nice!\"]]]]}",
    "status": "published",
    "published_at":  1283780649000

The status field defaults to draft. Set it to published and set published_at to a past millisecond timestamp in order to import an already published post with the correct date. You can also set status to scheduled and set published_at to a future date to create a post that will be scheduled in future.

Mobiledoc is the data format used internally by Ghost to represent your content. See the section on mobiledoc below for more details on converting content.


Mobiledoc is a standardised JSON-based document storage format, which forms the heart of publishing with Ghost. In order to import content into Ghost, it must first be converted to mobiledoc.

Although mobiledoc is a JSON format, the mobiledoc field in the import file should be serialised into a string, which can be done by calling JSON.stringify().

Ghost’s importer is not able to accept other formats, such as HTML or markdown. Instead, there are tools available for converting from these formats into mobiledoc prior to importing.

Converting HTML

The easiest way to convert HTML to mobiledoc is to generate a Ghost JSON file with html fields containing your content for each post instead of mobiledoc. You can then use Ghost’s standalone migration tool to convert the html field to a mobiledoc field.

  1. Requires Node.js v10 installed locally
  2. npm install @tryghost/migrate -g - install the migration tooling
  3. migrate json html /path/to/your/import.json - will convert the HTML fields in your JSON file
  4. The tool will output a path to a converted JSON file - use this to import your content
  5. Run npm uninstall @tryghost/migrate -g to cleanup

This should work well for most semantic HTML, and result in a series of populated cards in the editor, making it easy to update your content in future.

Mobiledoc HTML card

If your html consists of tables or other non-semantic markdown, you may have a better experience wrapping the HTML in a single HTML card:

mobiledoc = JSON.stringify({
    version: '0.3.1',
    markups: [],
    atoms: [],
    cards: [['html', {cardName: 'html', html: '<p>HTML goes here</p>'}]],
    sections: [[10, 0]]

Converting Markdown

There are two approaches for converting markdown to mobiledoc. The first is to convert your markdown content to HTML first using the tool of your choice, and then follow the steps above for converting HTML to mobiledoc.

The second is to wrap your markdown content in a single markdown card:

mobiledoc = JSON.stringify({
    version: '0.3.1',
    markups: [],
    atoms: [],
    cards: [['markdown', {cardName: 'markdown', markdown: 'markdown content goes here...'}]],
    sections: [[10, 0]]