Quick-search for anything


Usage: {{img_url value}}


The img url helper outputs the correctly calculated URL for the provided image property.

You must tell the {{img_url}} helper which image you would like to output. For example, to output a URL for a post’s feature image inside of post.hbs, use {{img_url feature_image}}.

Force the image helper to output an absolute URL by using the absolute option: {{img_url profile_image absolute="true"}}. This is almost never needed.

To output the image in question at a resized resolution based on your theme config, pass in dynamic image sizes via the size option.

Convert an image to a different image format (webp, avif, png, jpg, jpeg, or gif) by using the format option. (This only works in combination with the size option.)

Example code

Below is a set of examples of how to output various images that belong to posts, authors, or keywords:


  {{!-- Outputs post's feature image if there is one --}}
  {{#if feature_image}}
      <img src="{{img_url feature_image}}">

  {{!-- Output feature image at small size from theme package.json --}}
  <img src="{{img_url feature_image size="small"}}">

  {{!-- Output feature image at small size, formatted as a WebP image (size is required) --}}
  <img src="{{img_url feature_image size="small" format="webp"}}">

  {{!-- Output post author's profile image as an absolute URL --}}
  <img src="{{img_url author.profile_image absolute="true"}}">

  {{!-- Open author context instead of providing full path --}}
      <img src="{{img_url profile_image}}">
