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Use: {{#is "post"}}{{/is}} to detect this context

Whenever you’re viewing a single site post, you’re in the post context. The post context is not set on static pages, which uses the page context instead.


The URL used to render a single post is configurable in the Ghost admin. The default is /:slug/. Ghost also has an option for date-based permalinks, and can support many other formats using routing.


The default template for a post is post.hbs, which is a required template in all Ghost themes.

To provide a custom template for a specific post, use post-:slug.hbs as the template name, with :slug matching the post’s slug.

For example, if you have a ‘1.0 Announcement’ post with the url /1-0-announcement/, adding a template called post-1-0-announcement.hbs will cause that template to be used for the announcement post, instead of post.hbs.

Another option is to use a “global” custom post template. If you add a template to your theme called custom-gallery.hbs it will be available in a dropdown in the post settings menu so that it can be selected in any post or page.

These templates exist in a hierarchy. Ghost looks for a template which matches the slug (post-:slug.hbs) first, then looks for a custom template (custom-gallery.hbs if selected in the post settings) and finally uses post.hbs if no slug-specific template exists and no custom template is specified.


The post context provides access to the post object which matches the route. As with all contexts, all of the @site global data is also available.

When outputting the post, use a block expression ({{#post}}{{/post}}) to drop into the post scope and access all of the attributes.

Post object attributes

  • id — the Object ID of the post
  • comment_id — The old, pre-1.0 incremental id of a post if present, or else the new Object ID
  • title — the title of your site post
  • slug — slugified version of the title (used in urls and also useful for class names)
  • excerpt — a short preview of your post content
  • content — the content of the post
  • url — the web address for the post page (see url helper) and special attributes
  • feature_image — the cover image associated with the post
  • feature_image_alt — alt text for the cover image associated with the post
  • feature_image_caption — caption for the cover image associated with the post (supports basic html)
  • featured — indicates a featured post. Defaults to false
  • pagetrue if the post is a page. Defaults to false
  • meta_title — custom meta title for the post
  • meta_description — custom meta description for the post
  • published_at — date and time when the post was published
  • updated_at — date and time when the post was last updated
  • created_at — date and time when the post was created
  • primary_author — a formatted link to the first author
  • tags — a list of tags associated with the post
  • primary_tag — direct reference to the first tag associated with the post


The {{#post}}{{/post}} block expression is used to theme the post template. Once inside of the post, you can use any of these useful helpers (and many more) to output your post’s data:

{{title}}, {{content}}, {{url}}, {{author}}, {{date}}, {{excerpt}}, {{img_url}}, {{post_class}}, {{tags}}.

<!-- post.hbs -->

<!-- Everything inside the #post tags pulls data from the post -->

<article class="{{post_class}}">
  <header class="post-header">
    <h1 class="post-title">{{title}}</h1>
    <section class="post-meta">
      <time class="post-date" datetime="{{date format='YYYY-MM-DD'}}">
        {{date format="DD MMMM YYYY"}}
      {{tags prefix=" on "}}
  <section class="post-content">


Special attributes

The post model is the most complex model in Ghost, and it has special attributes, which are calculated by the API.


URL is a calculated, created based on the site’s permalink setting and the post’s other properties. It exists as a data attribute, but should always be output using the special {{url}} helper rather than referenced as a data attribute.

Always open a context and use {{url}} explicitly for all resources, especially in posts. For example, use {{#post}}{{url}}{{/post}} instead of {{post.url}}.

Primary tag

Each post has a list of 0 or more tags associated with it, which is accessed via the tags property and {{tags}} helper. The first tag in the list is considered more important, and can be accessed using a primary_tag calculated property. This is a path expression, which points to a whole tag object, rather than a helper function.