Team Ghost
Code Injection is a powerful, convenient tool to add CSS, JS, and more to your Ghost site. Learn how to get the most out of it in this tutorial.
Make your life easier and download a code editor. We'll show you where to get it, so you can start editing your Ghost theme.
With a few clicks in Ghost Admin, you can download a local copy of a theme or upload an entirely new one. Follow our tutorial to learn the steps to take.
Avoid broken links by redirecting old URLs to new ones. In this tutorial, learn everything you need to know about Ghost's redirect process.
Comments can jump-start the conversation on your publication and give your community a place to engage with one another. This tutorial will walk you through the process of adding comments to your Ghost theme.
Transform tags into topics, authors into contributors, or any into any other terms by updating your site's taxonomy.
Expand your social media presence by adding all of your social media network icons to your Ghost theme.
Developers write code. Some developers write about writing code. But when they try to share that code on the web, everything that makes code more readable – like formatting and syntax highlighting – is gone!
Let your readers know what to expect in your posts and give them quick links to navigate content quickly by adding a table of contents with the Tocbot library.
Reading time and progress bars give your readers a sense of what they’re getting into. Is this an epic long read or a quick jaunt? With Ghost, it’s easy to create these signposts by adding the reading time to your posts or showing your reader’s progress through an article.
Offers are often shared as a link in an email call to action, during a podcast, or via social media. But what if you want to display a special offer as a banner on your site, so all visitors can access it? Our tutorial gives you everything you need to add a beautiful offer banner to your site.
Not just by the date published! In this tutorial, learn how to order and reorder posts on your Ghost site according to their titles, tags, and other fields.
Ever wanted to create a curated group of posts on your Ghost site? With collections, you can! In this tutorial, we’ll show you what you need to know to create content collections.
Learn how to build CSS files in a Ghost theme using a development tool called Gulp, so you can make stylistic updates to your theme.
Ghost includes automatic RSS feeds for your content out of the box, but you can also easily create a custom feed for your podcast with routes and templates.
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