πŸ“ Reinvigorating your roadmap

Everything feels so hopeful when you take your first dip into the cool, refreshing waters of Lake Creator. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and you've finally gotten that annoying jingle out of your head. But after a short while, the clouds roll in, and you realize your hard work isn't paying off like you thought. Your audience isn't growing, and your cash flow is nothing but a trickle. This week's newsletter is about what to do (and what not to do) when things are stagnant. Let's go!

In this week's issue πŸ“¨

  • You're missing potential customers
  • 10 lessons from reaching $100,000
  • The secret to organic growth

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Customer consciousness

The creator landscape is full of content aimed toward problem-solving, but what about potential customers who don't even know they have a problem that you would be delighted to solve? If your audience growth is in a rut, it's time to meet the people where they are now instead of where you hope they end up.

Justin Welsh from The Saturday Solopreneur believes you can seize new clients by understanding the stages of their buying journey.

Stage 1: Problem Unaware - 50% of your daily social media content should target your "problem unaware" audience that focuses on issues they may not be privy to.

Stage 2: Problem Aware - Once your prospects are aware of the problem, it's time to dive deep into the "whys" behind it all. This should be about 40% of your daily social media content.

Stage 3: Solution Aware - Now that you've revved everyone's engines, they'll naturally start turning towards solutions. Use tools like newsletters, videos, and webinars to show them that you understand their plight.

Stage 4: Product Aware - This is when your customer starts to ask if your product is right for them. Show them how right you are with testimonials, case studies, and awards.

Stage 5: Most Aware - The most aware customer is usually the hardest to capture. Give them an offer they can't refuse, like discounts, bonuses, and limited-time offers to encourage urgency.

Understanding and addressing the stages of your customer’s buying journey will be a game-changer for your content and your business. It will allow you to tailor your content to meet your customers exactly where they are and guide them smoothly to a purchase. With this approach, you're not only solving their problems but also fostering trust and positioning your brand as their go-to solution. – Justin Welsh

Interesting stories & ideas πŸ“š

Ten ways to flourish

Rome wasn't built in a day, and that weird mole on your back wasn't built overnight (please get that looked at), but it is possible to build six figures worth of revenue in a little over a year. How? Entrepreneur Dan Kulkov shares 10 lessons he learned from reaching $100,000 in 16 months.

#1 Stick to one audience - Casting a wide net to catch more subscribers isn't always the most cost-effective approach, but you can still learn from failure.

#2 Fix your marketing funnel - Use email marketing to convert readers into paying subscribers and watch your revenue grow.

#3 Experiment with user acquisition - Tools like Google ads and social media may not work on the first try. Keep testing different solutions to see what sticks.

#4 Share more than you monetize - Revenue growth shouldn't always be your priority. Focusing on brand reputation can be much more valuable.

#5 Build simple things - Products don't have to be complicated to be successful. They should effortlessly solve problems and be easily built by others.

#6 Find a way to charge more - To increase your prices, discover where your value lies. You'll gain more profit by making the same effort.

#7 Seek harsh feedback - Invite your customers to (constructively) hurt your feelings while you beta test to reduce the risk of a failed launch.

#8 Find out what's not for you - Just because other creators are successful at it doesn't mean it's your calling. Get comfortable with saying "no".

#9 Limit your work hours - Clocking 80+ hour weeks doesn't automatically equal success. Love yourself just as much as you love your work.

#10 Be patient - Success is rarely a short sprint. Don't rush, and learn to relax. It's all about enjoying the journey.

The power of association

In today's overflowing Creatorverse, being noticed can be a difficult task. You're creating valuable content 24/7, but you're just not seeing the growth you were expecting. "Does anyone care? Do people even like me?" Don't get discouraged! There's an organic way to gain new followers and get your existing audience to advocate for you and your work.

Founder of Creator Science Jay Clouse believes that growth is less about the nature of your content and more about your personal brand.

Creating valuable content is necessary, but not sufficient. Your brand as a creator matters now more than ever. I don't necessarily mean the name of your company (though it helps). I'm talking about your reputation and what you're known for. You need your work to be associated with a specific idea. – Jay Clouse

How to create an association:

  • Selection - What do you want to be associated with? You don't want to pick a too broad or restricting subject. Try honing in on something that has true appeal and limited competition.
  • Expression - What makes you special? After selecting an association, your ideas need to align with your selection. Figure out what separates you from the pack and form a unique perspective.
  • Repetition - Practice makes perfect? Once you've found your subject and voice, it's time to lather, rinse, and repeat. Repetition is what creates an association, and people love it. Just play the hits!

The secret to organic growth is associating your work with your audience's interests. Be intentional with your words, express yourself in distinctive ways, and don't be afraid to sound like a broken record. If you repeat your ideas enough, your followers will do a lot of the work for you.

Curator's pick

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