Google Drive

Google Drive + Ghost

How to use Ghost and Google Drive together

Integrate your Ghost publication with Google Drive for secure image storage with a functional media library interface

Google Drive provides free cloud storage for personal use to anyone with a Google account. It’s possible to integrate your Google Drive account with Ghost as an alternative image storage solution using custom adapters, which unlocks the benefits of using the Google Drive media library interface to manage your site’s image content.

There are a couple of ways to integrate Google Drive with Ghost:

Full Google Drive storage adapter

By default, Ghost stores any images uploaded to Ghost Admin locally to its filesystem, and delivers them via the same Ghost front-end service which delivers Ghost themes. It’s possible to replace this layer entirely using a custom storage adapter, to upload and serve images directly to/from external services like Google Drive.

The most common way to do this is to use the Ghost-Google-Drive storage adapter, which is open source and widely tested. It contains detailed instructions about how to setup and configure your image storage.

When using a storage adapter in Ghost, your images are uploaded directly to Google Drive and integrated into its media library. This is a free solution (with paid options for increased storage) that is useful for those who are publishing with Ghost and want a detailed media management interface to manage their assets.

Do more with Zapier automation

It’s also possible to connect Google Drive to more of your favourite tools with Zapier to make it more useful and powerful to your workflow.