#30 — Tips for your 2019 strategy!

Welcome to issue #30 of Publisher Weekly and the final edition of the year. 2019 promises big changes in the publishing landscape, and we’re excited to share the highlights with you each week.

Thanks for reading and supporting, see you next year! 🎉

💯 Top picks

Top 10 INMA articles from 2018 on digital subscriptions

INMA have rounded up their most read articles of the year, and all but one explore the same theme: reader revenue via digital subscriptions. So in case you missed it, check out this list of interesting articles.

💸 Business models

News and opinion publisher offers ad-free reading for 50 cents per hour

American publisher Salon is diverting away from programmatic advertising and testing out a variety of paid-for features to increase reader revenue, including ad-free reading for short periods of time, paywalled content and annual subscriptions.

Fox News are moving into memberships with Fox Nation

“A subscription service that’s basically a transaction for content is very vanilla” - says John Fiedler, svp of digital for Fox News. That’s why they are looking to sell subscriptions that include additional perks such as events and merchandise discounts.

✍️ Modern journalism

Amid media doom and gloom, Forbes revenue and profit was at an all time high

Forbes reports having its most profitable year since it became Forbes Media in 2006 and is looking to putting more money toward making acquisitions and equity investments in startups.

Digital publishing strategy for 2019? Here's 5 case studies from 5 leading newspapers

See how The New York Times, De Telegraaf, Ouest-France, The Guardian, and Tiso Blackstar Group are planning for the future.

Time Magazine are staffing up under new ownership

Under Salesforce billionaire Marc Benioff, Time Magazine have announced 25 new job openings, most of which are in editorial. Other publications such as The Atlantic and the Washington Post have also seen similar success after being taken over by billionaires.

18 lessons for the news business from 2018

Paywalls, politics, podcasting, partnerships and much more – this Nieman Lab Newsonomics article covers the top takeaways from the news business this year.

👩‍💻 Technology

Recession, blockchain, drones and more tech predictions!

With exponential advancements in technology, insiders are making predictions about what the world will look like this time next year. There’s some interesting ideas in here, in particular: brands that stand for nothing will be left behind and relationship-building will be more important than transactional focus.

Small wins cloud judgement and other lessons from the failed community strategy at Netflix

Former Netflix VP shares valuable lessons learned from the development and eventual downfall of the streaming service’s failed friend recommendations tool.

🤷 WTF?

PewDiePie sneaks memes onto WSJ!

YouTube star PewDiePie leveraged the Wall Street Journal’s branded content advertising arm to sneak fake content onto the news site in a publicity stunt to get more subscribers!

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