#28 — You should get rid of content no one reads

Hey there - hope you’ve had a great week. Here’s your weekly roundup of publisher news, including tips for how to retain subscribers, inspirational stories, industry reports and what happened when Tumblr decided to ban all adult content 🗞️

💯 Top picks

You should get rid of the content no one reads & other tricks for retaining subscribers

INMA’s latest Consumer Engagement Summit included lots of insight on how news organisations can focus on revenue. Here’s all of the top takeaways including: picking engagement metrics, sending regular emails to subscribers and testing subscription prices.

💸 Business models

The Information turns five and reflects on successes as a membership-driven tech publisher

Jessica E. Lessin, founder and CEO of the popular tech news startup The Information, shares her thanks as well as some thoughts for the future of the publication.www.

Reader revenue: A steady, very sustainable, and very honest business based on relationships

A new Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism report has been released and digs into how digital-born media businesses are surviving and the uptake of the subscription model. This article gives you a short overview, or you can download the full report.

Why this editor-in-chief quit his 9-to-5 to write an independent subscription newsletter

We stumbled upon this inspirational story and had to share it: Former editor-in-chief at ThinkProgress, Judd Legum, left salaried position in favour of running an independent political subscription newsletter.

✍️ Modern journalism

Editions vs Newsflow: How do readers prefer to consume their news?

Global Editors Network and the publishing analytics company Twipesurveyed 4,000 news consumers across Europe and the United States to find out how people like to read news. Much like the political landscape, they discovered an even split amongst readers who prefer to consume a “newsflow” format compared to an edition format.

How the NYT reimagined their morning briefing

“A cross-functional team figured out how to push a prized and popular product forward — and discovered a new way for The Times to reinvent itself.”open.

👩‍💻 Technology

Surviving the Tumblr porn ban: back up your content

We noticed a huge spike in traffic to Ghost.org this week… which turned out to be thousands of people frantically searching for alternatives to Tumblr after the platform announced that it’s removing all adult content from its site (plus any content that has been mistakenly flagged). See also: our straight-talking updated comparison page!

It’s no secret that Google have a dominant position in desktop search - accounting for up to 78% of market share according to some reports. The European Commission are said to be investigating whether Google are compliant with European competition laws.

🤷 WTF?

Overwhelmed with information? Here's some tips for avoiding burnout as a modern digital journalist

There’s a lot of noise online which can be difficult for anyone consuming or creating online media. This article explores how this affects journalists in their day-to-day roles and includes some ideas to combat the overwhelm.

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