#22 — 4 kinds of content people are willing to pay for

As the trends in publishing move increasingly towards the paid subscription business, we’re seeing more and more articles about this trend in the weekly publishing news - here’s the latest highlights. Enjoy, and see you next week. ✨

💯 Top picks

4 kinds of content people will pay for - putting the reader at the centre

Svenska Dagbladet have discovered that improvements to conversions and engagement among paying subscribers coincides with their content fulfilling four core fields of interest, all of which are focussed on the readers needs as a priority rather than specific topics.

💸 Business models

Here’s how you can be part of a $700,000 experiment in building membership models around the world

Led by The Correspondent and funded by the Omidyar Network, a new fund is launching for sites around the world to experiment with membership models and principles - if you’re interested get at it here!

Can James Harding’s subscription platform be more than a rich person’s club?

Ex-BBC head of news James Harding has launched a Kickstarter backed “slow journalism” subscription platform, complete with high-profile editors and wealthy members. Critics are questioning whether the platform, named ‘Tortoise’, is a viable solution for a broader audience.

✍️ Modern journalism

When Facebook is down, people read the news!

This report takes a look at how people get their news when Facebook is down, and gives an overview of the current reverse trends in mobile traffic that paints a positive picture for the future of journalism and publishing.

People won't pay for news until they trust you: Here's 7 suggestions to get started

An unsurprising truth is that some major trust issues exist in the news industry right now. How will news outlets rebuild that trust and turn it into audiences willing to pay for acts of journalism? This article has some ideas!

👩‍💻 Technology

Facebook's and Google's subscription tools offer publishers modest improvements

Publishers are giving very mixed reviews to new tools introduced by Google and Facebook to help them sell subscriptions, with the main complaint being the time and effort it takes to integrate with these tools.

🤷 WTF?

Are these rogue Android apps at the core of a multimillion dollar ad fraud scheme

Against a backdrop of reports that over 20% of all ad impressions in mobile apps are fraudulent, BuzzFeed News reported that many Android apps have been tracking user data and generating fake traffic, in order to rake in *a lot* of fraudulent revenue from ads being viewed by bots.

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