Ghost contains built-in support for direct integration with over 1,000+ apps and services using the Zapier automation service.
Zapier works with Triggers and Actions to build powerful automations. For example:
- When a new post is published in Ghost (Trigger) Zapier can share your post to Buffer(Action)
- When a new subscriber is collected in Mailchimp (Trigger) Zapier can add that email address as a member in Ghost (Action)
Setting up Zapier is a case of deciding which actions you would like to happen, and when you would like them to be triggered.
Get started with a Zap template
To get started we recommend using one of the recommended Ghost Zaps. This will make it easy to get some of the most popular automations set up in a couple of clicks.
Create a custom Zap
Don’t see the service you want? Head over to to create the exact automations you need. The guided Zap editor will help you build the workflow you’re looking for.

It’s worth noting that some Zaps are instant, while others run in timed intervals. You may sometimes notice a 15 minute gap between a Trigger and an Action - this is perfectly normal.
Available events and actions
The available trigger events in the Ghost Zapier Integration are:
- Post published
- Page published
- Member created
- Member updated
- Member deleted
The available actions are:
- Create post
- Create member
- Find author
Once set up, Zaps will run completely in the background without you needing to do anything else. This is incredibly useful for automating tasks which you do regularly and don’t want to have to remember - like automatically sharing new posts to social networks, or to your team in Slack.
It also comes in very handy for keeping multiple tools in sync, like keeping subscriber lists in external email tools in sync with your members list in Ghost, or to automatically send new drafts in a specific Google Docs folder into the Ghost editor. The possibilities are endless.