Public Dev Meeting 22nd July
Multi-user remains the focus, as we work towards getting it ready to ship. There
has been significant progress this week,
Public Dev Meeting 15th July
We have missed the deadline for delivering all the new features required to
deliver multi-user. Issues like the permissions model
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So you're short on time. You've got a deadline, and you really need to get your
13 Writing Tools To Instantly Enhance The Quality of Your Blog
There's one thing that separates great blog posts from the rest: Giving the
reader what they truly, deeply
Public Dev Meeting 8th July
The pulse for the last week looks a little slower that the two weeks before. We
have had less people
Public Dev Meeting 1st July
I thought I'd make these pulse screenshots a regular thing in the meeting
write-ups. They're a
Public Dev Meeting 24th June
This week has seen epic progress on the Ghost repo:
In fact, during yesterdays meetings these stats were even more
Public Dev Meeting 17th June
It's been 2 weeks since we had a meeting, but those two weeks have seen a flurry
Public Dev Meeting 3rd June
It's been a short week this week, and also please note that next week there will
not be
Public Dev Meeting 28th May
This week's meeting was a shortened 'catchup' meeting held on Wednesday as we
were unable to