Public Dev Meeting 10th May
Quick Summary
Slack was integrated into master along with improvements to structured data.
Ghost 0.8 is going to be
Public Dev Meeting 3rd May
Quick Summary
Continued work on the new subscribe feature along with more dependency updates
and code cleanup. It was also
Public Dev Meeting 19th April
Quick Summary
Released 0.7.9 and merged some PR's that had been waiting for after the release.
Public Dev Meeting 12th April
Quick Summary
Please see our current sprint epic
[] issue on GitHub.
Progress Report
Public Dev Meeting 29th March
Quick Summary
Current sprint epic issue []
Progress Report
* Removed nav item placeholder and
Public Dev Meeting 15th March
Quick Summary
Current sprint epic issue []
Progress Report
* Progress being made on the
Public Dev Meeting 8th March
This week is sprint change over week, so the meeting took place in hangout form.
You can watch it back
Public Dev Meeting 1st March
Quick Summary
Current sprint epic issue []
Progress Report
* Ember Updates - #6567 [https:
Public Dev Meeting February 23rd
This week is sprint change over week, so the meeting took place in hangout form.
You can watch it back
Public Dev Meeting February 16th
Quick Summary
Beginning of new features like hashtags and channels as well as lots of internal
optimization and testing.