Public Dev Meeting 12th April

Quick Summary
Please see our current sprint epic issue on GitHub.
Progress Report
- Private blogging moved into an internal app - #6617
- Busyboy replaced with multer - #6659
- Depenedency updates - #6690, #6689
- Better CORS support - #6644
- Bug fixes and code cleanup - #6564, #6684, #6680, #6694
We're about to embark on a slight deviation from the sprint process we have been using. We're going to be building a couple of new experimental features, and will report progress and what we're planning next each week as it becomes clear.
The full logs of the meeting can be found in our Slack logs.
What is this?
We hold a public development meeting pretty much every Tuesday at 5:30pm London time in the #dev channel on Ghost's slack. In this meeting we discuss progress, important issues, and what is and isn't on the Roadmap. It's a chance for everyone to get involved and have their say about where Ghost goes next.
Hope to see you at next week's meeting: Tuesday 19th April, 5:30pm London time.