Sending posts to Slack, and even better structured data support
As hinted at a few weeks ago in our 3rd birthday post, you can now send posts from Ghost directly into your Slack team via a simple webhook integration!
This is our very first mini-app for Ghost, which is especially helpful for keeping your whole team up to date on what's being published on the blog. It also comes in particularly handy if you use a private/internal blog instead of Slack posts!

We're planning to add more integrations and apps like this, as well as more powerful customisations for each one. The aim here is to make Ghost the central point of all your publishing efforts which everything else can integrate with.
Better Structured Data
On top of that, we've also just updated Ghost's structured data support to be much more powerful. You can now enter Facebook and Twitter profile URLs for both your blog, as well as each one of your users. This means that you'll see more rich data when embedding posts on social networks, like Facebook:

And, places like Twitter will start to give you much more rich analytics data about how the content in your tweets is being engaged with, so you'll have a better understanding of how your audience is responding to the content which you publish:

Of course Ghost also automatically renders all of this friendly microformats, to make your publication 100% Google-friendly. No additional HTML markup or attributes required in your theme, it just works straight out of the box.
[New:] Email Subscriber Management
We're currently testing a set of features which integrate blog email subscribers directly into Ghost. If you run an active publication and would like to be a part of the early beta, please get in touch and let me know.
Enjoy the new things!