Zapier x Ghost

Ever wanted to connect external services to your Ghost site and create seamless automation between them? Now you can, with our new and official integration with Zapier.
If you're not familiar with Zapier, then here's a very short overview of how things work. Zapier automations are set up with Triggers and Actions - for example: When a new post is published in Ghost (Trigger) then a new Tweet is automatically published with a link to the post (Action).
Zapier works with over 1,000 different connected applications, meaning that you can create and customise a huge range of automations to your heart's content. Here are a few of the most popular Ghost<>Zapier automation templates which you can set up right now:
This new Zapier integration works with any Ghost site, and you can find a list of the most popular Zap Tempalates any time from the Apps section of Ghost Admin. Zapier offers free accounts with a few automations included, and paid plans with more advanced functionality.
If you need more detailed instructions on how to get everything working, we've created a full guide to working with Zapier for Ghost.
Ghost(Pro) users have already been updated and have access to this feature within their admin area. Self hosted developers can use Ghost-CLI to get this feature by running $ ghost update
to install the latest release.