Local news theme
We've released a brand new Ghost theme for local news publishers that is free
and ready to use.
Member engagement filtering
Along with the recent addition of date-based member filtering
[https://ghost.org/changelog/date-based-filtering/], you can now filter your
Date-based member filtering
The member dashboard now has new and improved filtering options. Now it's
possible to filter your members list
Header cards
Make a statement with bold section headers in your posts and pages.
Insert a header card to
File uploads
Following audio [https://ghost.org/changelog/audio-cards] and video
[https://ghost.org/changelog/video-cards] cards, now you can add downloadable
Video cards
As a follow up from audio cards, you can now upload videos to your content in Ghost. Once uploaded, your
Audio cards
It's now possible to upload audio files directly to your posts!
This means you can share audio content
Product cards
Display products beautifully with custom content including an image, description, button or rating, so you can add your favorite recommendations
Use the new Toggle cards to create collapsible sections of text in your posts
and pages. Great for creating distinct
Callout cards
Ever find yourself wanting to add extra styling to important information in your
posts? Well, now you can with callout