Public Dev Meeting 9th February

This week is sprint change over week, so the meeting took place in hangout form. You can watch it back on youtube and see some corresponding chatter in the #dev slack channel.
Meeting Summary
In todays meeting we reviewed the progress of items from the previous two sprints, and put together a new sprint epic.
We are continuing to work on and make progress on several longer term projects, whilst also keeping up with bug fixes, improvements, and regular releases. The long term projects in progress at the moment are:
- Hashtags
- New Editor Demo
- Post Scheduling
- Channels
- Welcome tour
We are hoping to make further progress on all 5 of these projects and their dependencies during the next sprint.
There are also plenty of other issues around, including many bug fixes and improvements, which are available to be picked up and worked on. They are all marked fix-wanted.
Full details
If you'd like more details of what happened during the meeting, you can on youtube.
What is this?
We hold a public development meeting pretty much every Tuesday at 5:30pm UK time in the #dev channel on Ghost's slack. In this meeting we discuss progress, important issues, and what is and isn't on the Roadmap. It's a chance for everyone to get involved and have their say about where Ghost goes next.