Public Dev Meeting 5th July
Quick Summary
More work being done on the core/admin repo split. Lots of code improvements and various bug fixes.
Progress Report
- Code improvements and bug fixes - #7047, #7033, #7035, #7025. #103, #90
- Allow manifest.json in Ghost themes - #6986
- Bookshelf/lodash fix - #7041
- Update bower dependencies in the admin and start switching to npm - #94
- Convert ember imports to ember-cli-shim - #95, #101
- Only use the part of jQuery-UI that we need - #100
- Lazy-load code mirror on code injection screen - #99
- Dependency updates
- Continued work on validations, waiting on some upstream changes
- Pushing towards 0.9 release. No ETA, but sometime soon.
The full logs of the meeting can be found in our Slack logs.
What is this?
We hold a public development meeting pretty much every Tuesday at 5:30pm London time in the #dev channel on Ghost's slack. In this meeting we discuss progress, important issues, and what is and isn't on the Roadmap. It's a chance for everyone to get involved and have their say about where Ghost goes next.
Hope to see you at next week's meeting: Tuesday 12th July, 5:30pm London time.