Ghost 0.11.7

Ghost 0.11.7 is now available on GitHub, npm and 0.11.7 contains a fix for a pretty awful custom template bug we shipped in 0.11.6.

We've been working on some gnarly issues with load times & timeouts to make Ghost LTS more stable. A key thing was changing how themes are loaded & ensuring we don't load more information than we need to. Unfortunately, we over did it a bit, and lost information used to render custom theme templates 😱. Sorry about that - it's all back now.


  • [Fixed] Themes ignoring all templates except index.hbs and post.hbs

From 0.11.6:

  • [Improved] Subscriber: sanitize email
  • [Improved] Refactored packages, apps and more
  • [Fixed] Old accesstokens are not cleaned up
  • [Fixed] Fix cors middleware
  • [Fixed] Fix incorrect icon on AMP app page
  • [Fixed] Ensure config is update when deleting theme
  • [Fixed] Fix version check error for minor versions >= 10

You can see the full change log for the details of all changes included in this release.

How to Upgrade

All Ghost(Pro) users are being automatically updated and will be running Ghost 0.11.7 shortly. You're welcome :)

For people running Ghost on their own servers, you can download Ghost 0.11.7 and then check out the upgrade documentation over on our support site.



Hannah Wolfe & Katharina Irrgang.

Special credit to Hannah for the awful bug 😝 & to Kate for helping to get a super fast fixup release out 💨.

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