Custom Social Data

We've just added support for custom social data to Ghost, so now you can create customised rich card embeds for Twitter and Facebook on every post.
Ghost has had rich automatic structured data support for a few years, but now you can override the automatic defaults and create custom cards for both Twitter and Facebook.
This fine-grained control means that now you can directly specify exactly how you want your content to appear on your site, on Google, on Twitter and on Facebook — all completely independently of one another. If you don't want to fill out all this data manually though, Ghost will still fall back to creating automatic defaults which work great, too!

If you want to see this feature in action, try sharing this very post that you're reading right now on Twitter or Facebook (or search for it in Google). You'll see different customised content for each one.
A few other housekeeping notes: Ghost(Pro) upgrades are now well underway. We're enabling all migrations to Ghost 1.0 in batches, adding more to the list every day. Anyone who Tweets, emails, comments, or otherwise gets in touch with us is being automatically bumped to the top of the queue. So if you're still waiting for the "Migrate!" button to appear on — get in touch!
Ghost(Pro) users are being upgraded automatically and will see this functionality shortly inside their admin area. Self hosted developers can use Ghost-CLI to get this feature by running $ ghost update
to install the latest release.